Simply Gastro

Simply Gastro

Introduction :

The application is for any person who wants to order any material for business / personal use. It was an M-Commerce application for a single vendor. User can login, register and order items by selecting products, quantity and specification. The app is in German language only.

Background :
  • An M-Commerce app to order products the vendor can supply. There are many categories and sub-categories. User can search for the products, categories, sub-categories by name. Home page is built with banner, most visited items and recently visited items. User can manage history of orders. We integrated strip payment gateway for payments. User can cancel order and can track order. We did email integration so all updates related to order can be received on email as well.
Evaluation of the case :

The mobile app is built in Android and iOS with Native development approach. The app have registration process. Below are the list of functionalities we implemented :

  • Startup page
  • Login
  • Registration
  • home page with sliding banner
  • List of categories
  • List of sub categories
  • List of products
  • Product details
  • Cart
  • Order summary
  • Payment integration
  • History
Proposed solution and changes :

We used MVC architecture to structured the project. Here we have used different third party libraries to achieve the functionalities. The is in German language. It was not a challenge but an opportunity for our developers. The app can able to place order with user details and product category. User can also select different parameters for the products like size, colours etc while selecting the product. A cart option was there which can be accessible through out any page from the app. The management of the order and delivery is managed by an admin portal. We developed admin portal and APIs for management. We implemented graphs for analysis purpose. Admin person can also manage inventory thorough the portal. The mobile app was built in Java for Android and in Objective-c for iOS. Backend and API were developed in Laravel.

Conclusion :
  • It took almost 30-35 days to complete the project in both platforms with development and testing. We follow a process like analysis of requirements, understand the use case, prepare document, divide modules in small tasks, start development and unit testing, do integration testing and fix bugs, move to production. This help us move fast and achieve targets.
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