
Our Journal - Suggests a regularly updated blog of thoughts, trends, and industry observations.

The Impact of 5G on IoT Development
July 24, 2024

The Internet of Things or IOT is developing at a very rapid pace. Many things seen on the drawing board a few years back are now becoming reality. But one of the major limiting factors is always the bandwidth. Cellular networks with good range have less bandwidth and Wi-Fi with good bandwidth have less range. […]

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Seamless Integration How Consumers Want Their Devices and Services to Work Together
July 17, 2024

Are you tired because of disjointed systems and manual workarounds that consume a lot of your time? Have you ever experienced the frustration of incomplete data and missing opportunities because of a lack of integration? For somebody who has been working in the tech industry for over a decade, they can understand the pain points […]

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Inclusive designs Accessibility solutions
July 10, 2024

With the start of a new decade in the world of design, there is an increasing focus on inclusive design. This implies that UX professionals all over the tech industry are more inclined towards making designs that are inclusive because it’s a user-friendly design. Inclusive design is not new in the world of UX designing, […]

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Evolution of Digital Privacy What Consumers Expect from Tech Companies
July 3, 2024

The evolution of digital privacy is one of the dynamic journeys, crafted by the fast technological advancement and enhancing digitization of daily life. With the increased use of internet-based devices and the rise of big data, customers are now becoming more and more aware of digital privacy. Because of this, consumer expectations from technology companies […]

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From Reactive to Proactive – Building a Culture of Product Maintenance
June 26, 2024

How successful your maintenance strategy is is important for your asset management. Those companies not making efforts to create proactive maintenance plans for product maintenance will see revenue getting drained. Differentiating the maintenance strategy and taking a good reactive to proactive approach decides your company’s fate starting from operational effectiveness to bottom-line perception. In this […]

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The Untold Story: What Happens Behind the Scenes of Web Development?
June 19, 2024

It is not a secret that a good-looking and well-optimized website is required for all businesses. Users only go through more than one-quarter of the content that they view on the webpage, thus making the look of the webpage very important. However, there are many more things to a website than what the eyes see. […]

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Mobile Apps Trends 2024: What’s Next?
June 5, 2024

Mobile applications are undoubtedly a solution for businesses to make use of flawless connections with target audiences and clients. With proper communication and increased implementation of novel products and services, mobile applications have now become a strong tool for marketing. For absorption of benefits completely, you should know about the existing and upcoming trends. Have […]

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Innovative UI/UX Trends
May 29, 2024

In this digital world, where user experience is very important, staying up-to-date with the ongoing changes in UI/UX design is a requirement and not an option. The persistent technological advancement along with innovative approaches  has enhanced the bar for user expectations and offering a smooth and flawless user experience is important for business success. Last […]

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Beyond Bits and Bytes: Human-Centric Software Solutions
May 22, 2024

Digital technologies are deeply embedded all over our day-to-day routines. The merging of cyber and physical environments has caused end users to select their technology depending on some of the non-functional metrics such as the feel, emotions, and complete satisfaction. Also, businesses are mainly driven by digital solutions. Business functioning depends on constant interaction between […]

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Tech Harmony: Nurturing Digital Wellness
May 15, 2024

We are living in an era which is dominated by several digital developments. Therefore, it is important to have the right connection with the technologies for overall wellness. The term “digital wellness” involves practices and ways for fostering harmonic relationships with technology. This makes sure that technology increases, not diminishes our lives. Digital wellness is […]

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The Myth of One-Size-Fits-All: Why Custom Web Development Matters
May 8, 2024

In today’s digital world, all businesses need to have a strong online presence thereby enhancing the importance of web development. Your website is like your digital storefront that serves as the primary point of contact for your target audiences. However, not all websites are made equal. This is the reason why custom web development matters […]

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Beyond Convenience: The Unexpected Benefits of Implementing IoT
May 1, 2024

The pioneers of industries are highly acknowledging the abundant benefits that the Internet of Things or IoT brings to businesses in every sector. As per the forecast of the business insider, the number of IoT devices being used in several industries will reach 55 billion by the year 2025. IoT allows organizations to replace outdated […]

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The Future of IT Jobs in the Generation of AI Challenges and Opportunities
April 24, 2024

Artificial Intelligence is now a vital aspect of the future and this applies to the information technology sector as well. A decade before, AI was something like science fiction, but now we have started using it in our daily lives. Right from research, and automation to speech and facial recognition and many other things, everywhere […]

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How to Choose the Right Web Development Company for Your Business?
April 17, 2024

In the present-day digital landscape, having a strong online presence not only provides immense benefits but also is vital for business progression. A website is a virtual access for your consumers that serves as an important element for revenue generation and your business identity.How the website is built and designed has a major role in […]

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Enhancing IT security with Artificial Intelligence:Emerging Trends and Challenges
April 11, 2024

In this modern world, technological advancements certainly allow us to stay associated but it also raises security concerns. With the increase in the number of security breaches and growing complications of those cyber-attacks, the traditional measures of cybersecurity are not enough for combating the attacks. Thus, cyber experts are accepting emerging AI trends for increasing […]

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AI-Enabled Software Development: Accelerating Innovation and Time-to-Market
April 9, 2024

Maybe it’s too early to say that it’s an AI-dominated world and we are just living in it!  Still, the day is not far off given how quickly the technological landscape is changing.  Most likely for this reason, organisations are already planning how to strategically incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into their software development processes. AI-driven […]

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Sustainable Software Development Practices: Minimising Environmental Footprint in Code
April 4, 2024

It’s no longer a secret that software industries around the globe are finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Eco-friendly coding, popularly known as sustainable software or green coding, has gained prominence in recent years. Programmers, developers, and architects are increasingly interested in this approach for environmental preservation. In this article, we will discuss sustainable […]

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Mobile First, Cloud First: Strategies for Modernising Enterprise IT Infrastructure
April 2, 2024

Why prioritise Mobile First, Cloud First strategy in today’s digital landscape?  It is imperative for modernising enterprise IT infrastructure because it ensures scalability, accessibility, and efficiency in meeting evolving user demands.  Organisations can modernise their IT infrastructure and achieve best enterprise mobility solutions by embracing mobile-first design principles and leveraging the power of cloud computing.  […]

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Interactive Storytelling in Web Design: Engaging Users Through Narrative
March 28, 2024

In digital marketing, storytelling remains essential for communicating brand messages through engaging narratives.  Content is not just about texts, but visuals too. Today, storytelling has become more visual, using pictures, videos, and designs on websites to connect with audiences.  As a web designer, mastering interactive storytelling is crucial to capturing visitor attention and fostering brand […]

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Hiring Junior Developers: Investing in Tomorrow’s Talent
March 26, 2024

Often, companies seek to hire junior developers because they usually demand lower salaries compared to their senior counterparts. However, this should not always be the sole rationale behind hiring them.  Companies should prioritise their new perspectives and their hunger to learn and prove themselves when hiring fresh talents. They can be trained in the specialised […]

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Importance of Quality Assurance in Software Development
March 21, 2024

A high-quality software is essential for business growth! It enhances productivity and efficiency while minimising cost, risk, and errors.  That’s why quality assurance (QA) is essential to monitor and preserve the software’s quality at every stage. It is the cornerstone of any organisation’s software development process, providing a barrier against flaws in the application that […]

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Choosing the Right Databases for Your Mobile App: IOS vs. Android
March 19, 2024

How to select the right database for a mobile app? Well, it depends!  Whether it’s an IOS or Android app, the choice hinges on multiple factors. Key factors include the amount of data you need to store, specific functionality requirements, the complexity of the app and more.  The primary purpose of any database for an […]

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The Future of IoT: Predicting Trends and Emerging Applications Beyond 2025
March 14, 2024

The future of IoT appears boundless. Advances in AI integration, more flexible networks, and large-scale job management will accelerate the industrial internet.  The goal is not only to connect billions of devices, but also to automate different business processes with the massive amount of data these devices provide. But what lies ahead for IoT technology? […]

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AI-Driven Automation: How It’s Reshaping IT Operations
March 12, 2024

Today, with numerous applications, tangled databases, and isolated IT teams, organisations battle the chaos of modern IT management.  This is further compounded by manual issue resolution, which impedes prioritisation and resolution of critical issues, hindering smooth functioning of business operations.  For more streamlined and integrated approaches to IT operations, businesses are turning to Artificial Intelligence […]

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A Guide to Build Custom Software Solutions
March 7, 2024

In this competitive digital realm, every organisation wants to own exclusive custom software solutions to meet their specific requirements.  This is because off-the-shelf softwares often lacks features that businesses desperately need and include those that are hardly used. Such software can meet only generic needs.  Here comes tailored software solutions. These solutions are developed with […]

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Five Proven Ways to Boost Your Sales through Mobile Apps
March 7, 2024

At this stage, where everything is available on your smartphones within seconds, not having a mobile app for your business might affect your revenues. According to some reports of Statistica, apps have the potential of generating up to 190 billion by the end of 2020. If you are wondering how can an app have such […]

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M-Commerce: A Tool to Boost Your Sales Significantly
March 7, 2024

Thanks to M-Commerce you can now order clothes, furniture, and other goods while sitting anywhere in the world. M-Commerce, broadly known as Mobile Commerce, is a subcategory in E-Commerce. The apps that we use on our mobiles to make the purchase are a part of M-Commerce. Any transactions that are done through the cellphones count […]

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Hybrid Apps Or Native Apps
March 7, 2024

Thanks to the mobile apps and smartphones, the business is growing at lightning speed. With quick access and interactive apps, your company can now target a huge audience. The most frequently asked question for developing a mobile app is whether to go for Native or Hybrid Apps. Well, the answer depends upon your requirements and […]

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Mobile Apps: A Salt for the Boon of Businessess
March 7, 2024

We live in a world where everything is available at the touch of our fingertips. Be it a flight ticket or searching for the nearest ATM, finding everything is possible so quickly. It is not wrong to say that smartphones have made our lives super easy. Nowadays you can access any information, buy anything while […]

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Enterprise Mobile App
March 6, 2024

One essential factor that can help an organization or company to manage its projects is an Enterprise Mobile App. The application developed for the organizations for management as well as other functions exclusively is known as an Enterprise Mobile app. A lot of companies use the conventional methods of software inventories to streamline their projects […]

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